Our values


Stability based on team experience and organic energy basics


Trust means for us involvement in the work and support of colleagues


Each employee of our company strives to develop new skills and abilities, not stopping at what has been achieved


Fairness based on understanding, mutual assistance and personal responsibility of each employee of the company


Responsibility and mutual understanding within the company, in relations with partners and before oneself


Self-realization of each employee, career growth, living and working is interesting

Our experience allows us to cope with any complex tasks.


Principles of conduct:

  • Rational use of production resources
  • Ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise and products
  • Pursue a flexible pricing policy
  • Take care of your employees

Anti Behavior Examples:

  • Rational use of production resources
  • Ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise and products
  • Проводить гибкую ценовую политику
  • Take care of your employees
Ability to listen, reach mutual understanding and respect each other


Principles of conduct:

  • {% trans "Открытость (отсутствие страха совершить ошибку, готовность делиться проблемами, идеями, мыслями, предложениями и «обнажать» слабые стороны)" %}
  • Willingness to give a 2nd chance, the right to make a mistake
  • Lack of unnecessary cross-checks and excessive control
  • Willingness to accept sound, correct, constructive criticism

Anti Behavior Examples:

  • Sarcastic assessment, unconstructive criticism, unreasonable doubt in the competence of colleagues
  • Avoidance of providing necessary assistance to a colleague
  • Lies, systematic failure to fulfill promises
  • Imposing your opinion as the only true
Always be in motion, while clearly seeing high goals


Principles of conduct:

  • Invests its time in development itself
  • Takes the initiative
  • Develops colleagues

Anti Behavior Examples:

  • Aggressive to feedback
  • Bureaucrat
  • Constantly busy
  • Procrastination
Mutual understanding in relations in the team and with partners, we strive to comply with all requirements and wishes


Principles of conduct:

  • Complies with established rules
  • Clarifies tasks taking into account limitations and risks
  • Offers a solution and takes the initiative
  • Fulfills promises and tasks on time and with high quality.

Anti Behavior Examples:

  • Does not evaluate the consequences of the results of their actions
  • Looking for a reason to shift the deadlines of tasks and escape promises
  • Does not take part in solving colleagues' problems when possible
  • Seeks guilty of failure
We overcome disagreements without conflicts, we criticize not actions, but actions


Principles of conduct:

  • Do not transfer to another what is your responsibility
  • Do not refuse to help colleagues
  • Telling the truth in any situation

Anti behavior examples:

  • Transfer responsibility to another
  • Benefit for yourself
  • Constantly doubt the success of colleagues
Self-realization of each employee, career growth, living and working is interesting


Principles of conduct:

  • Learning to manage your emotions
  • Show how to increase your effectiveness, teach it, show your own example
  • Give the opportunity to experiment

Anti behavior examples:

  • Throw out anger and bad mood on employees
  • Insist on fulfilling plans that no one believes in
  • Ignore ideas and suggestions